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Since being called into the Ministry in 1999, Pastor Douglas Walker has made every effort to ensure he can rightly divide the Word of God. Pastor Walker was licensed in 1999 and became an Assistant Minister at New Mt. Moriah Baptist Church. There he served as the Pulpit Conductor, taught evangelism and drug recovery classes. In 2002 he received a Bible Certification in Christian Education from the Birmingham-Bible Easonian Baptist College (BBEBC). In 2004 he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Pastoral Education, followed by a Bachelor of Theology in 2006. In May of 2013 he received his Master's Degree in Pastoral Ministry from Selma University.

Pastor Walker was called to the New Everdale Missionary Baptist Church in Montevallo, Alabama in 2005. Since then, the work of reaching people in their community and across the state can be explained by nothing less than the divine hand of God. Much More 520 Radio is honored and privileged to be able to bring you "Working On A Building" each week from the New Everdale Missionary Baptist Church in Montevallo, Alabama.

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